Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Poor, sick Emma

Emma turned 18 months last week and had her 18 month checkup. She weighs 23 lbs which is in the 25th percentile and is 33 inches tall which is in the 90th percentile. Everything looked great and we went home with 3 more immunizations. Yesterday I got a call at work from her babysitter that she had a 102 degree temperature. Of course immediate panic sets in with such a high temp coupled with a worrywort mom. Jay was thankfully able to pick her up and take her to the doctor since I had 5 patient evaluations to try and catch up on since I knew I would have to be out the next couple days. The doctor confirmed a double ear infection and sent her home with an antibiotic. I felt like I had a newborn again last night waiting to hear any sound on the baby monitor that may mean something was wrong. She started getting really restless at about 11pm and I could tell she was tossing and turning. I went in to check on her and she popped right up to be held. She had a 101 fever so I gave her some more Tylenol. She went right back down to bed until about 2am when I heard her tossing and turning again and wheezing really loud. I basically sprinted into her room I was so scared about her breathing but thankfully she was just pushed up into the corner of the bumper pad and couldn't get her breath because she was suffocating herself. She was also a big sweatball and her head was soaking wet. I took her temp again and it was normal. She went right back down and has felt better today. She has taken a couple long naps and has not had a fever so hopefully the antibiotics are kicking in.

Not much else happening here - I helped to throw a baby shower a couple weekends ago for my girlfriend Jenni in Houston. I posted some of the pictures below - her baby room is a cowgirl theme so we carried that over to the shower. Jay was gone all last week at conferences in Houston so we are happy to have him home again.

I attempted to take Emma's 18 month picture with the 3x5 card like I have been doing. As usual, I had a hard time getting her to smile with the card facing the camera. You can see the pictures below. She has also taken a new interest to her baby Sophia. She has been carrying her all over the house and wrapping her in the blanket. She also loves to give Sophia baby kisses - so sweet!

It is so much fun to make a mess and empty out the cupboards

Uh Oh! The girl likes shoes already!
The baby shower cake - Howdy Baby Ava!

Our cute table with the boot centerpiece

Patty, Jenni, Ava, and I

Sweet, sleeping baby

Is she 18 months already?!?

Our diva

She INSISTED on putting her coat on over her PJ's

Holder her baby - Sophia

Giving sweet baby kiss to Sophia

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