Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch

We had a great Halloween! I took Emma on Friday to the nursing home where I work. All of my patients absolutely loved seeing how adorable Emma was in her pumpkin costume. They just love little kids and don't get to see much of the "outside world" anymore, so Emma really made their day. She LOVED the little pumpkin pail that she had to put her candy in and carried it everywhere with her like a little purse. She got lots of candy from the residents, a balloon with her name from the activity director, and even a dollar bill! We came right home and put the dollar in her piggy bank. She had a great time and quickly caught on how to take a piece of candy and put it in her pumpkin bag.

Saturday we started the day by carving our pumpkin. We carved the face to match the one on Emma's t-shirt (also because it was a nice, simple face for mom to cut out!!) I put Emma in her high chair to watch and put all of the the gooey seeds on her tray to play with. She is such a little girly girl because she would NOT touch it. She pointed her finger at it and knew that it was slimy and messy and would not touch it! Sadly we had to take a picture of her next to the pumpkin this year, and not inside of it like she fit last year! Amazing how much she has grown in one year!

We dressed Emma early and drove across town to surprise Miss Nette, her babysitter. She was so happy to see Emma in her cute costume and took lots of pictures and gave her a big goody bag full of treats. We then took Emma trick or treating to our neighbors that we know on the street and took a wagon ride to our friends in the neighborhood to see their kids. We came back home and handed out candy for a while in the driveway. Emma was exhausted from a fun filled day and I put her to bed at about 8pm. (Unfortunately she doesn't understand daylight savings time and was up at 6:45 this morning instead of sleeping in and taking advantage of the extra hour of sleep!)

There are a bunch of pictures below - I had a hard time getting Emma to smile in her costume and then she refused to let go of her sippy cup. Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

P.S. We STILL have the gecko - somewhere in the house because we haven't seen it again. UGH!

She was so exhausted after playing at Miss Nette's on Monday that she actually fell asleep with the blanket on her and Eddie in her arms. This never happens!

Emma's new trick - she can reach the door handle and turn it! (Thank goodness for dead bolts!)

Just relaxin on the pillow
Playing with the TWO balloons that she got in one day - what a good day!

Sweet baby cheeks

Yuck! What is this stuff?!?

Look mom - the pumpkin matches my shirt!

Cutest pumpkin in the patch!

Hanging out with Angela - a friend of mommy's at work

Posing with her sippy cup

I am bored - take me trick or treating already!

My two kids! Haha

Emma and Miss Nette


  1. Hi Keri! Emma looks SO PRECIOUS in her little pumpkin costume! What a sweet little girl.
    Aimee Lieby (Jay's coworker)

  2. Keri...She is SO stinkin' cute! Love the costume!
