Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We have had a busy, yet relaxing Thanksgiving weekend. It was just Jay, Emma, and I for Thanksgiving Day this year, but I cooked the traditional feast. Jay went and ran the local Turkey Trot in the morning as Emma and I slaved over the turkey. When he got home we watched the Lions lose yet another year. When it was time to eat Emma refused to eat any corn, potatoes, turkey or anything except the homemade banana bread! Once she had one bite of it that was all she would eat. She LOVES banana bread! After our meal Jay and Emma took their naps and when they woke up we went for a wagon ride. It was a bit chilly and we even had to wear our jackets which was really nice.

I have also managed to put up all of our Christmas decorations. I bought some icicle lights for the outside of our house and Jay helped me (just a little....) put them up. They look really nice. Emma doesn't know what to think of all the decorations - she wants to touch everything. She especially wants to pull on the stockings hanging from the mantle. I am very scared that she will pull them down and the metal stocking holder will fall on her head in the process! Thankfully there are no holiday mishaps yet.

I went to the Galleria in Houston today with a friend and Emma. We had so much fun and found lots of great deals. Most of what we bought was for ourselves too - how fun! We did manage to get a couple Christmas gifts. We also ate at the Cheescake Factory - yum! Then we went to Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn. I was in shopping heaven. Emma was extremely well behaved for such a long day. She didn't cry one bit in the car and didn't even nap on the way home. Once she got home she wanted to carry my bags all over the house like she was a good shopper too. She was so adorable in the morning as I was packing stuff for her to go with us - she knew that I was going somewhere and she clung to me like glue. The minute I would leave the room she started crying. She was so scared that I was going to leave without her! Wonder what that means for how daddy treats her when he is babysitting?!? Haha.

We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We have a healthy, beautiful daughter and loving, supportive friends and family. We are thankful for our great jobs in such a struggling economy. We are also very thankful this time of year for our soldiers fighting on behalf of our country. They give up time over the holidays, and throughout the year, with their families so that we can celebrate with ours. What a selfless act!

Enjoy the pictures below.

Emma decided her blanket would be a great decoration for the tree

I'll help Swiffer !

OOOH - what sales are we going to hit?

This one looks good!

Love the wagon rides!

Mommy and Emma

This is so much fun!!

Emma fell asleep on the way to the Galleria for about 15 minutes. Poor neck!

Look at my shopping bag - it holds my blanket!

What's inside?

Video of Emma watching the Lions get their one touchdown

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