I am also very sad to say that Grandma Peggy passed away last week. Emma and I had a trip home planned so that we could see her, but unfortunately we didn't make it home in time. Instead we spent time with our extended family for the funeral- a wonderful celebration of her life and many interests. She lived to be 86 years old and was independent until the very end. It was a very sad weekend, but we also know that she is in a better place watching over us every day. Emma was fairly well behaved despite missing multiple naps and missing her usual bedtime during all of the festivities. By the time we got home she was absolutely exhausted and napped for hours the next day.
My mom came into town to visit this past weekend. It was a trip she had planned and contemplated not coming since she had been so busy with my Grandma. I talked her into coming to take a weekend away and to spend some quality time with Emma before returning to work. We had a good time and pretty much relaxed the entire weekend so that Emma could catch up on her sleep. She did help me plant some flowers and wash my car- which I love the extra help. Emma loves spending time with Grammy.
Over the weekend Emma also caught what I thought was a cold. She had a runny nose and goopy eyes. One eye was really swollen one morning and it went to the other eye the next day. It was completely swollen shut in the morning, but got better as the day went on. Her eyes continued to be goopy and her nose didn't stop running so I finally took her to the doctor. He said that she has some type of bacterial infection in her eyes. We got an antibiotic and some eye drops for her. For those of you who have never had to put eye drops in a 10 month old, I would love for you to try with Emma. It is practically impossible. It takes one person to hold her and her arms down and another to pry open her eyes. I never can actually tell if I got any into her eye. I had to stay home from work with her Wednesday and I felt so bad for her. She obviously did not feel good and was very clingy. She wanted to be in my lap the entire morning and when she wasn't she was clinging to my leg. She seemed to feel better in the afternoon as she was crawling all over the place and pulling up to stand over and over.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. Sounds like you have had a very hectic few weeks. Emma is getting more and more adorable every day! We've been there with they eye drops - I'm not sure I was ever able to get them in. For us, it only lasted a couple of days. We need to catch up when things calm down!