Monday, March 7, 2011

Welcome Spring!

The weather has been BEAUTIFUL here! Most days it hits 70 and is sunny. We have really taken advantage of the nice weather and have been playing outside everyday and frequenting all of the local parks. A few weeks ago we had a nice visit with Jay's Nana - which is Emma and Anna's Great Nana. She flew in from Missouri to meet Anna for the first time and to do some bonding with both girls. We went to the park, played outside, and showed her around our town. We had a nice, relaxing time and she enjoyed seeing both girls! Jay and I both hope that when we are in our 80's we are healthy enough to fly and visit our great grandkids!!

We also celebrated Mardi Gras this past weekend with our neighborhood. Of course it happened to be the one cold day that we have had in weeks. Once the sun went down, the temperature really dropped and we had to break out the winter coats. We had a great time eating, drinking, visiting with friends, and watching the kiddos have a blast. They had so much fun decorating bikes and wagons and being in a parade. There were TONS of beads being thrown everywhere and Emma managed to pack her bag on her bike full of candy!

Anna has been growing like a weed and continuing to change every week! We recently went in for her 6 month checkup. She weighs 15lb 9oz (39th percentile) and is 26.75 inches long (82nd percentile). Her head circumference is in the 93rd percentile - lots of room for that smart brain of hers to grow!! At this age Emma was 16lb 10oz and 26.5 inches long - similar but about 1 lb heavier. She has also started to eat solids. So far she has LOVED all of the foods we have given her which include apples, bananas, pears, squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes. She has also started sitting up alone!! She can sit for about 30-45 seconds on her own, but has not mastered the fall yet. We sit her in her boppy pillow to help break the falls, but she is getting stronger every day! We also started to let her "cry it out" at night as she was still waking up one time. Since then she has slept through the night a couple nights, woke up a couple nights and cried for 30 min or so and then fell back asleep, and one night she screamed bloody murder for 45 min. I gave in that night and rescued her. I think she is slowly getting the idea that she has to go back to sleep until morning. She has been napping much better too which = a happier baby and a happier mommy! She also continues to love to interact with Emma. She is always watching her every move and laughing at her silly faces. It melts my heart to see my two girls loving up on each other!

Emma has continued to live to go to school two days a week. Every night she asks me if tomorrow is school. She also has a couple favorite new sayings:
1. "Daddy isn't making good choices." Ha - this came after he took too long to help her with her corn at the dinner table.
2. "I go potty by myself. OK. Be right back." I also hear "Don't help me!" no less than 50 times a day. She is miss independent and REFUSES any attempt to help her.
3. "I want to wear my jammies a little while." She wants to keep her pajamas on all morning now instead of getting dressed.

Sweet Anna is 6 months already!!

Great Nana feeding Anna for the first time

Great Nana with both girls

Emma was playing in her "boat" and wanted Anna to join her

Attempt of a picture with mommy - neither of the girls cooperated

Emma chatting with Anna
Introducing.....Anna's first ponytail:)

Anna's first solid food - apples! She loved them!

Dress silly day at school. Emma got to pick out her outfit and bows - can you tell? She loved this and all day kept telling me, "Mommy I look silly today!"

Miss Kim with Anna at the Mardi Gras party

Emma lined up for the bike parade

All of the Mardi Gras beads

Beads kept getting stuck on Emma's training wheels - a bit of a disaster!

Our friend Stacie with her adorable baby Anna
These smart girls huddled up by the front door to get out of the wind and stay warm

Presenting the neighborhood King and Queen of Mardi Gras - Woody and his wife Stephanie

Anna sitting up!!

Mardi Gras Parade

Anna eating for the first time - yummy!

Anna rolling over

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