Saturday, July 25, 2009

Emma's Last "Baba"

Emma had her last "baba" this week. She has officially moved on to only the sippy cup. Although it was a sad day because she is getting to be such a big girl, I will NOT miss washing the bottles!

We had a great week with Nana visiting and Emma has been enjoying her new shopping cart with all of the goodies that came with it. She is also learning some new tricks She has learned to wave when we say hi or bye but we are still perfecting it. She will only wave maybe 25% of the time. This morning it was really cute when she took the dishtowel from me and started wiping the floor with it. She must have learned this from me. She also will take the remote control and point it at the TV as if she is changing the channel. It is amazing how fast children can pick up things.

Jay took Nana back to the airport this morning and we don't have too many plans for the weekend. I guess just relaxing and trying to beat the heat. Enjoy the pics.

Emma washing the floor

Snuggles with Nana before bedtime

Her last bottle

1 comment:

  1. cute pics!!! I can't believe it's Emma's last bottle!! I also will be relieved to have that stupid drying rack off my counter top. it's such an eyesore!! Good work on all your tricks Emma, keep it up!!!
