Sunday, February 15, 2009

Emma is 9 months old!

Emma turned 9 months old on Thursday (where has the time gone?). I have taken her picture with a 3x5 card since she was born to track her growth. We did it every week at first and now we have upgraded to every month. I can't wait until she turns 1 because trying to get a picture with her and the card now is nearly impossible. She wants to crumple and eat the card the minute I put it near her. You can see from the pictures below that I gave it my best shot.

We had a nice Valentines Day as a family. We had dinner at home with barbeque chicken, brown rice, green beans, salad and homemade cream puffs for dessert - yummy!!! Jay and I don't like to go out and battle the crowds on Valentines Day so we usually stay in and cook a good dinner and watch a movie. Jay and Emma had a little treasure hunt set up for me with fancy workout clothes along the way. I got some Under Armour shorts and shirt as well as a pair of Nike workout pants and socks. It was so thoughtful since they know how much I like to go for my walks. Jay got some cologne from Emma and I - boring but useful.

On a much sadder note my Grandma Peggy went into the hospital on Friday and was transferred to the ICU today. She had some really bad bloody noses and her INR level had skyrocketed. Basically, she has too much coumadin in her system and her blood is too thin and she is bleeding internally and from her nose. My mom and dad and aunt and uncle had just left on their vacation together in Florida and ended up having to change their flight to come home today and miss their week of vacation. Please keep Grandma Peggy in your prayers.
"Am I doing something wrong":
A smile you can't resist:
She loves looking out the window:

My attempt at a 9 month picture:

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