Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Potty Training Update and Emma's Big Girl Bed

I am happy to announce that the potty training has taken a turn for the better!! Yay for Emma and yay for Mommy!!! After purchasing the "froggie" potty chair Emma really started taking an interest in using the potty. At first she would only go tee-tee on froggie and resisted going poo poo for almost 2 weeks. I was getting frustrated with this because I would take her to the potty and try to bribe her with Hello Kitty stickers to go poo poo and she wouldn't go. Not even 5 minutes later she would go in her big girl underwear! UGH! It took bribing with Elmo stickers and watching Toy Story movie to get her to go poo poo. One day it just clicked in (or should I say the bribery worked because I am positive she knew what she was doing) and she has been using the potty ever since! We do still have the occasional accident which most often happens when she is playing too hard or intently watching a movie and "forgets" that she has to use the potty. As my friends warned me, she also LOVES using public toilets. Whenever we are out and about she wants to go potty over and over and over. Of course she then wants to touch everything and loves to flush it - YUCK! Those first couple weeks were really rough, but I think we are on the right track now which is really nice!

Emma also recently got her "Big girl bed." Her toddler bed converted back to a crib and was moved to baby sissy's room. Emma got a new twin bed with trundle, nightstand, and dresser. The delivery men were here one night until 9:30 at night setting up her bed. I was about ready to put her to bed in the pack n play (the crib was already all set up on the highest level for baby so she couldn't sleep in that) but she was beyond ecstatic that her big girl bed was here. She wouldn't leave the men alone who were setting it up and she kept screaming giddily "Emma's big girl bed, Emma's big girl bed." It was absolutely adorable. She was throwing her stuffed animals up onto the bed as I was trying to put the sheets on it so that she could go to bed! She did great the first few days, but did fall out yesterday during nap time. She fell out on Daddy's watch and he called me to say that her head was bleeding!! We aren't sure what she hit her head on since the nightstand was a long way from the bed. It must have either been the side rail or the trundle that was sticking out 1/4 of an inch. We have to monitor her now and if she keeps falling out we might get side rails.

I have been organizing and getting ready for baby sissy to arrive. Can't believe that our family of three will be a family of four in less than two weeks! Her room is organized, bottles are cleaned (although I will be nursing), car seat is installed, name picked out (FINALLY), clothes are put away, and I have begun packing the hospital bags just in case. I have my last ultrasound tomorrow to check on baby and her growth/weight. I have been feeling good, but the heat is killing me. Can't wait for fall and for this baby to come!

Enjoy the pictures below. I plan on posting a little update on Emma's behavior/growth before I go to the hospital.

New sign in Emma's room - which is still a work in progress

Her dresser

The "big girl bed"

Emma testing out baby sissy's vibrating chair

All the neighborhood kiddos at the ice cream social last weekend


Her hair can now be french braided! I love having a girl!!!

She loves her braids and always ask to "look mirror" when I finish them. She also wants hair spray when she gets her braids.

Ahh.. a helper in training!! She really wanted to help vaccuum the couch and what mom would say no to that?!?

Sitting with her pal Lexie

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