Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lots of Firsts!

We have had a few firsts over the last month. It started with Emma's first sleepover at her friend Avery's house. I, personally, can't believe my little girl is ready for a sleepover! The whole family actually went to our friends Brian and Jamie's house for dinner followed by some cards for the adults. I was there to put Emma to bed with her friend Avery, but she woke up the next morning with us gone. She did a great job and the girls had fun playing and watching movies. She told me that they even had Mickey Mouse pancakes in the morning - yummy!

Another reason why Emma is growing up too fast is that she has demanded that she go potty ALONE lately (yet another first!) She takes the stool over to the potty to climb up and is SO proud of herself when she is done. Mom likes this independence except when we need to get out the door because it takes her forever to pull up her pants!

Emma and Anna also had their first bath together. I decided that it was now possible to save time by letting them bathe together. Anna's bath chair fits into the tub perfectly with Emma and Emma loves having her sister in the tub with her.

Anna was doing quite well at night and was sleeping through the night even a few times per week. The other nights she would either need to eat one time or just need her pacifier put back in. However, the past two nights have been awful! She has been up at least 3 times to eat (which seems like a million after she has been sleeping through the night!) Although I have no idea why this is happening, my best guess is because the air is so dry. The nights have been cold and the heat has been running a lot. I wake up with a really dry throat and she has a dry, stuffy nose. So we went out today to buy a humidifier. My fingers are crossed that this really helps the situation!

I dug up an old photo of Emma at 20 weeks to compare to Anna and thought I would share. I still think they really look similar, although Anna's may have a bit more petite features.
Emma at 20 weeks

Anna at 20 weeks

Emma's sleepover with Avery

First bath together

Sweet Baby Smile!

21 weeks take 1

21 weeks take 2. Much happier!

A little shot of the tongue Anna loves to stick out

Look at those blue eyes! Anna is really rolling over good now and holding her head up too!


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