Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Birthday Party WHOOO!

Last weekend was one filled with birthday parties for Emma. Saturday we went to the jump zone to celebrate Emma's friend Cielle's 3rd birthday and Sunday took us to the local gymnastics club to celebrate Chase's 3rd birthday. Emma had a GREAT time at both parties and her dad managed to get her hyperactive by waking her in the mornings hollering "Birthday Party WHOOWHOO!" Emma soon followed suit and was hollering the same thing throughout the house and at the actual party. She loves birthday's and is often found singing "Happy Birthday to You" even when it isn't anyones birthday.

The biggest excitement for mom came at Cielle's party who happened to have a Dora birthday cake. I noticed Emma eyeing up the cake early on and she kept talking about the "Dora cake". As we were sitting and eating our lunch Emma promptly got out of her seat and made a mad dash for the cake. I saw it coming and chased after her as fast as I could (imagine a 9 month pregnant lady and how fast she can actually "chase" after a two year old). I managed to reach her just as her hand was touching the Dora car on the cake. WHEW! It was only milliseconds away from being a disaster! Good save, mom!

This week we have been counting down until baby sissy arrives. The big day is finally here tomorrow! We are so excited to meet her and a bit nervous for the c-section and all of the big changes about to take place! Can't believe my next post we will be a family of four!

I have also thought of a couple other phrases that Emma is found to say often - an addendum from my last post:
1. "Bess you, mama". She says this whenever I sneeze for bless you. It is adorable.
2. "Scuze me, I bupped". This actually means "Excuse me, I burped."
3. "Min alone". She says this when going potty and she wants a "Minute alone."

Also, today during nap time I heard her singing upstairs. I went up to listen to what she was singing and she was singing "Happy Birthday Baby Sissy" over and over! It was the cutest thing ever. We kept telling her that baby sissy's birthday is tomorrow and she was singing to her!! These are the moments that make me so thankful to be a mom!! Enjoy the pictures below.

Chase's birthday at the gymnastics club - it was so much fun!!
All of the kiddos - Emma in front with the two pink bows
Emma getting swallowed up by the blue styrofoam blocks

Run, run, run!!!

Crawling under the balance beams

Almost 38 weeks in this picture

Sitting in the big blow up chair at the jump zone birthday party

Emma next to Cielle - the birthday girl

Playing air hockey with daddy

Their opponents - Avery with her daddy

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