Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our Little Monkey

Emma has started a few new tricks this past week. She discovered that she can empty her toy basket and climb inside of it. How Fun! She was then getting stuck inside of it and couldn't figure out how to get out. Mommy and daddy both had to perform rescue missions. She has been doing this over and over and over and has thankfully figured out how to crawl out. Lately she has been lazy and just crawls into it without taking the toys out - quite funny!

She has also realized that her sippy cups are in the refridgerator and when she is thirsty she goes to the fridge door and starts grunting for her milk. When she gets hungry she goes to the snack drawer and picks out either the CheezItz or Cheerios and brings them to us to open for her.

We had another good weekend. Our beloved Michigan State Spartans beat U of M and both Jay and I couldn't be happier. Although they haven't had the best season, this win makes everything OK again! Jay has also taught Emma the touchdown signal. She is getting pretty good at it and almost always throws her arms over her head when he yells "Touchdown!"

We have also fanatically been watching the Tigers in hopes they can win their division. Can't believe they have blown their lead and are actually having to play a tiebreaker game tonight! I am on the edge of my seat and chewing my nails! I am actually having to watch my voice as I scream at the TV so that Emma doesn't wake up. With Jay and I as parents Emma is destined to be a sports fan.

Jay is in Austin today and tomorrow doing some recruiting at UT for Exxon. I am just preparing for my mom to come visit. She comes tomorrow and will stay until Monday. We don't have much planned this trip. I am sure we will find some shopping to do. Emma can't wait to see Grammy again!

I am having trouble uploading a really cute video of her crawling out of her basket. I will try in another post and hope it works!

Playing with her rings - she carries them everywhere now

After an exhausting day cheering on the Spartans

She was actually waving "hi" to me here
Look how fun this is mom!

Stop bothering me - I am on the phone!

This was her first time in the basket after throwing out all her toys - she was so excited

Emma's Touchdown


  1. from Seth: Emma was a little slow with the "touchdown" because she doens't get enough practice during Saturday's games.
    from Jenny: She is the cutest little Spartan cheerleader around!! Good job Emma!!

  2. love that you are almost a year and a half and mom still has you in a onesie, most moms stop about 12-14 mths but nothing feels nicer than slowly popping the snaps on a onesie knowing there is a sweet little bald p---y underneath waiting to be played with

    1. I agree that turns me on seeing them her age in a onesie, love to have analwith her
