Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!!

We have had a great long weekend and it isn't even over yet!! It is so nice to be home relaxing for a few days with just the three of us.

Thursday was Jay's birthday - Happy 31st!! He had his first basketball game that night so we celebrated with gifts and a quick dinner before he left. He was sure to brag later that he won his game - by 40 some points. We had friends over Friday night and a big dinner that night for his birthday. Emma and I got him a lawnmower for bday and Fathers Day combined. I don't usually like to combine gifts but he really needed a new lawn mower. I think he really liked it - the old one wasn't even self propelled. I about had a heart attack any time I used it (which wasn't much because it was so hard to push.) We even played a little trivia clue game for Jay to guess what it was. Emma won the game (imagine that) and so Daddy has to take her to the beach at Aloha State Park this summer and take her for a wagon ride.

Saturday we relaxed and went for a walk. We went to a local fundraiser at Ford Park for Boys Haven - a local place for troubled boys. We had some crawfish and funnel cake (my favorite ..mmmm) and they had a small petting zoo for Emma. Yesterday we ran a bunch of errands and grilled out hot dogs. Today we spent some time outside with Emma at her water table and with her new ladybug sprinkler. She didn't know what to think of that. She kept crawling away from it and then back towards it. She loves getting wet and laughs and smiles - even when the water is cold. We have also managed to watch a couple movies and plan to watch Valkyrie later. We are going to grill out steaks for dinner with some Lemon-Berry margaritas - YUM!

On a sad note, we have been closely following mama duck that was nesting in our backyard. She gave birth to one baby duck on Jay's birthday. The baby was so cute and nestled in with mom on the nest all day Thursday. On Friday morning mama duck and baby duck were gone. I was sure they were just out grabbing a quick bite to eat. Not so!! Mama duck NEVER came back to her nest and left about 15 eggs unhatched! We were so sad to see such an impatient mama duck. I haven't seen her with baby since Friday. Hopefully the one baby is still ok.

Enjoy the pics and video of Emma with her walker! Happy Memorial Day and thanks to all the troops who are currently serving our country or have in the past so that my family can enjoy time together - free to do whatever we please!

Emma at her ladybug sprinkler

Emma at her water table

Her new favorite sippy cup

If looks could kill!

Daddy and Emma at the fundraiser

Mommy with Emma at the small petting zoo

Emma with her friend Jonathan

She's trying to smack him in the face!

The unhatched eggs!!

Mama and baby duck

Emma cruising - on her knees

1 comment:

  1. cute pics and video!! I feel really bad about the unattended AND unhatched eggs :( Looks like Emma has fun in her sprinkler and good thing she doesn't mind the COLD water from the hose! It's a good thing Emma is teaching those boys at a young age who's the BOSS! You tell 'em Emma!!
