Friday, April 30, 2010

Getting Settled In

We are continuing to get settled in to our new home and community. I have been busy organizing and waiting around for contractors to show up (and they are never on time!) Last weekend we went to a crawfish boil at our neighbors house and met many of the homeowners in the neighborhood. There was a pool at the crawfish boil and Emma had a great time swimming with her new friends. Mommy and daddy spent most of the time chasing her around and making sure she was safe in the pool. She is at that busy stage where we never get to sit down - especially when water is involved.

We are getting ready to celebrate her second birthday, which is coming in just a couple weeks. Grandma is coming into town to help celebrate and we are looking forward to seeing her. She will come on Wednesday night and leave on Sunday - a quick trip. I think we may head to the zoo on Saturday if weather permits to celebrate Emma's birthday. I bought an Elmo cake pan and am going to try my baking hand at making her an Elmo birthday cake - it could be scary!

Emma continues to be in LOVE with Elmo. It is the first word out of her mouth everyday - and "Goger" and "Cookie" soon follow for Grover and Cookie Monster. Her vocabulary continues to expand daily. She can ask for "mana" for banana and "gogur" for yogurt (this can also be confused for Grover at times). She also says "sun" and when we were at Toys R Us she recognized "Dora". We never watch Dora at home, so I am thinking she has watched it at Miss Nettes house. Just yesterday she pulled out one of her dolls and out of nowhere went and got a baby wipe and started wiping her bottom and tried to put a diaper on her! We couldn't believe it!

I have continued to have episodes of being lightheaded and dizzy, although they are much better. It tends to be worse in the mornings and I have to eat what feels like a ton of food before it goes away. It can be a bit frustrating when I want to run errands in the morning (since Emma has been sleeping for almost 3 hours every afternoon!) and I am not feeling the best. I guess baby #2 is right at home in my belly and loves eating! I do have my first OB appointment here in Katy on Wednesday, and we are hoping she will give us an ultrasound to find out boy or girl. I am dying to know! I already called the office and they do give the ultrasounds right in the office. Cross your fingers.

Enjoy the pictures and videos - there aren't too many of them this time.

Emma putting diaper on her baby

Emma and Avery in front enjoying the pool

Showing off her dance moves

Changing baby's diaper

1 comment:

  1. Seeing Emma diapering her dolly makes me happy as I JUST made her two "dolly diapers" earlier today for either her dolls or Eddie!! I'll send them out to her with her tutu sometime this week :)
    Yes, I made Kole a diaper for his Curious George stuffed animal too but he has little interest :)
