Sunday, July 19, 2009

Emma's New Shopping Cart

Emma's babysitter Jeanette is on vacation this week so Nana flew in to help with the babysitting duties. She has spoiled Emma with a brand new shopping cart, which she loves. She also loves to carry around the ketchup, mustard, salt and pepper that came with it and to pile her toys in and push them around. Below are a few pics and video from the week. Emma is becoming a master at walking - we hardly ever see her crawl anymore!

Emma with Nana and Eddie
Emma and her new shopping cart

Look out Don King!

Just walking around with her books (that she won't let you read to her)

Reading her book - she is looking so grown up to me

Emma just playing around in the following videos - and jabbering a ton lately

1 comment:

  1. Oh Emma!! She looks SO cute with her shopping cart. And what a good grocery shopper she is!! I love her little jabbering she does; what a cute little voice!!
