Sunday, May 17, 2009

Emma Has Two Piggy's!

That's right! The big news of the week is that Emma has enough hair for two pigtails! You know what that means Dad - two bows!! She looks adorable in them - like a little girl.

We have had a relaxing weekend. Emma had to have blood drawn Sat morning for routing blood work at one year. Jay went with me and it took one phlebotomist and myself to hold her down while another one tried to draw blood from her teeny arm. Of course it didn't work on the first arm and we had to do it all over again on the other arm. It broke my heart to see her writhing to get away and screaming bloody murder. We were successful on the second try and Emma got two fun band aids as a souvenir.

Emma did get to play with her water table again this weekend. She loves that. She has started this new thing where she puts all the toys in it and then takes them out and does it over and over. She also does this with her toy basket - all toys go in and then all toys get dumped out. She also LOVES the ducks in the backyard. Every time she sees them she gets really excited and screams and screams. She says something like "Duh". See the video below.

Also, my sister in law (thanks Jenny) told me about a website: which is a photo editing website absolutely free. Moms who love to take pics need to check the site out when they get time. You can do absolutely anything for free - turn pics black and white, add font, add stickers, change color, etc. You can then email it, save it, print it - all for FREE. I have posted a couple of my masterpieces (along with the photo at the top of the blog) for your pleasure. Have a great week!

My first masterpiece - she should be a baby model!!

My second masterpiece
My first attempt at one year picture

HI mommy!!

Look at her two piggy's!!

My two bandaids to cover my battle wounds

Crawling in the grass

Check out my cool new shades

Emma screaming at the ducks

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I just love her little voice screaming at the ducks---it's so precious!!
    I LOVE the black and white pic with the pink bow!!!! Totally frame-worthy :) And the cute!!
