Grandma Charney then came to visit for almost a week for Thanksgiving. We had a great visit and did a lot of shopping. She also helped to put up the outdoor decorations for Christmas, make party mix, and even babysat a day for Jay and I to go to the Texans game. She also helped to take the girls to see Santa at the local mall. As always, it is a ton of work to get them looking cute in their holiday outfits, out the door and to see Santa only to be let down by a not so cute picture. When Emma saw him she was completely ecstatic. She kept standing on her tippy toes to see over the gate around him and hollering "Hi Santa!" She even got him to wave to her and she was grins from ear to ear. When it came time to see him she very sheepishly went up to him and told him that she wanted a "Princess bike" for Christmas. She absolutely refused to sit on his lap though as she suddenly became very scared of him. So the picture is of Santa holding Anna (who was awake and happy, amazingly enough) in one arm and trying to hold Emma who is squirming out of his other arm. I think it will be quite a few years before we can get a good picture of Santa with both girls.
Emma has been doing well. We have an Elf on the Shelf who mysteriously appeared after Thanksgiving and she is completely enthralled with him. For those of you who don't know what this is: the Elf (a rather dorky looking small stuffed animal) is sent by Santa himself to check on the girls and boys and how well they are behaving. Every night he magically flies back to the north pole to report to Santa if they are well behaved. The Elf doesn't talk and you can't touch him or he loses his magic. When he returns in the morning he lands in a new place anywhere in the house. It is fun for the kids to find where the elf lands each day. Each family has to name their Elf - Emma named hers "Mr. Twinkles." She literally asks about him first thing every morning when she wakes up and it is a fun little game to see where he landed. She talks about him all day long and mommy and daddy always remind her that Mr. Twinkles is watching if she is misbehaving. She talks constantly about how Mr. Twinkles is going to fly to see Santa at night. It is so adorable!
Anna continues to have reflux issues (I know you have to hear about this in every post.) Finally, I did some of my own research on the issue and decided that I think she actually has a milk allergy or intolerance. I made an appointment to see the Doctor and she said "Wow, you really did your research. I agree with you - you sure made my job easy." Of course Jay's first words when he heard this was "Well if you did her job for her then will she give you some of her paycheck?" Apparently this is kind of hard to diagnose because many of the symptoms mirror that of reflux. She has TERRIBLE reflux, sometimes spitting up probably 2oz per feeding, she is very collicky (not sure if that is a word but you know what I mean) at times, is constantly congested, and the kicker is that she has mucous in her stool. I always knew this but didn't think anything of it until talking with my friend Aimee who said that that is a sign of a milk allergy (Thanks Aimee..I owe you!). So the doctor sent me home with two vials that have to be filled with poor Anna's poo poo.
If there is blood found in the samples then she would have to be put on a milk free very specific formula due to a milk allergy. The doctor would then want an allergist on board when switching her to whole milk at one year. If there isn't any blood found then it would be more of a milk intolerance and we would start with soy formula. Hence the title of this post, I am now the "Pooper Scooper" in the family. Not to get into gross details but some of you may know that when nursing a baby their poo poo is mostly yellow liquid and it all absorbs into the diaper. I have been scooping poo now for almost two weeks and am getting super sick of it. I called the nurse to see if they could do their testing without the vial being all the way full and she said that they couldn't and the lab would just send it right back if it wasn't full. She suggested lining the diaper with SARAN WRAP for easier collection!!! SERIOUSLY!?! Who in their right mind would put Saran Wrap in a babies diaper? The minute she went potty it would be all over the place. I just can't believe it is taking so dang long to fill these tiny little vials. I have given in and started eating ice cream every night (the one time in my life I have an excuse to do this:). She is very fussy and colicky when I eat ice cream but it also makes her produce more poo poo:) Ok - enough about that subject. I will let you know when I get the results from the tests.
I will end this post with 5 facts you may not know about each of my girls.
1. She ALWAYS sleeps with her head at the foot of the bed. She never has her covers on her either.
2. She falls out of bed occasionally:( She did just a few nights ago and bit her lip. I didn't know she was bleeding until the next morning when I woke up and saw blood on my shirt from comforting her.
3. She loves to read to Anna. She will sit right next to her and talk to Anna and read for a long time.
4. She loves school, but is the only kid in her class that won't nap during naptime.
5. She just received her first ever "report card" and the following is a quote from the teachers comments "Emma is a born leader and loves to take charge." Is that a nice way of saying she is bossy?:) I think the teacher hit the nail on the head and although I hate to admit it, I think I was a bit of the same as a child.
1. She has extremely long eyelashes that any woman would die for
2. She laughed for the first time a week ago as I was making funny faces at her
3. She loves to look in the mirror
4. She loves when Emma reads to her
5. She has the most beatiful baby smile ever!!
Funny sleeping position!
Grandma with the girls
The yummy Turkey
Jay and his mad carving skills
Grandma reading to Emma and her friends
Ready for cold weather despite the 70's
Her new favorite book
Mr. Twinkles himself (isn't he a bit dorky?!?)
Grandma stirring up the party mix
The best picture we could get...Anna was not happy
I love ruffle bums!
Just another day reading in the laundry basket
One of Anna's few bottles so far.
Emma snuggled up to Anna reading to her
Meeting Aunt Becky
Cousin Darian
Cousin Kennedy
Guess I didn't swaddle her very good this time? She is a wiggler and can get out of those swaddles too easily!
Aunt Jenny and Uncle Gary reading to Anna. Thank you so much for the new book!!
Great Grandpa Bill
Evidence of that cutest baby smile ever!
Our neighborhood Christmas tree - we went to the lighting ceremony and also saw Santa arrive on a fire truck
Jay likes to teach Emma crazy things. He has been trying to get her to do some weird hand gestures to "Crosspoint" which is the name of her mothers day out program that she goes to. It is a church. Out of nowhere at dinner one night she broke out into "Cross Point" with Jay's gestures. It was pretty funny.