I'm back to the world of blogging after over a year hiatus! What could possibly bring me back to my blog and be so important that I have to update it? We are beyond excited to announce the arrival of our third daughter, Molly Elizabeth Davis! She was born September 22nd at 12:58 pm. She was 9lb and 20.5 inches. She is actually the main reason I have been absent from blogging the past year. My pregnancy, much like the last two, was not fun at all. I spent the first 22 weeks extremely nauseous and sick, followed by a period of dizziness and being lightheaded, and then back to nauseous again at the end. Needless to say I do NOT enjoy pregnancy and I am beyond ecstatic to have it beyond me! Now that I am feeling better I hope to get back to this blogging world to document our crazy family of five and our journey through life.
Our world with three kids has been crazy busy and hectic. Although I will admit that the transition from 2 kids to 3 was much easier than 1 to 2. I am already used the the busy schedule of preschool, 1st grade, and all sorts of activities thrown in. Molly just spends lots more time on the go in her carseat than the other two ever did. She is a good baby (most of the time) and sleeps a lot during the day. At 6 weeks she usually sleeps a 5-6 hour stretch at night and then eats and sleeps 2-3 more. I am beyond ecstatic about her nighttime sleeping habits as I thought I would still have a baby getting up every 2 hours at this point. Her bewitching hours are definitely from 7-9pm and she is usually pretty unhappy at this time for some reason. Some nights she goes right to bed after eating and others we have a really hard time getting her to fall asleep. Once she is asleep she will sleep for that long stretch. Jay and I easily forgot all of the trials and tribulations that come with having a newborn - crying of which we try to surmise every possible reason she could be upset, the crying in the car that we have NO control over, and the constant feeding schedule. I am nursing and at times feel like she is constantly attached to me. Babies are HARD!
With all that being said we already couldn't imagine our family without Molly. She makes our family complete (that's the truth this time!!:) and we couldn't be happier to have three gorgeous girls. Her big sisters already love her too and are constantly asking to hold her, kiss her, and play with her. I have to answer a million questions about when she will be able to clap, talk, walk, read books, and play with them. They are so excited for her to be able to interact with them.
I have a MILLION pictures from the hospital and her first days at home. I tried to weed them out a bit, but I will be honest, with three kids, a feeding coming soon along with having to pick up Emma from school I didn't have the time to be super picky. That is how my life rolls these days. Enjoy:)
Molly was a surprise for us and these were our guesses as to whether she would be boy or girl. Mom was the only one who got it wrong! |
It's a girl!! |
Proud parents of three girls! |
Blurry picture but it shows Emma's pure excitement the moment she met Molly and found out that she had another sister! I love Emma's smile here! |
Emma is also known as the baby hog. She couldn't wait to hold Molly and didn't want to let her go! |
My sweet friends Jamie and Jenny came to visit me and meet Molly all the way from Baton Rouge! While they were here Jamie took some amazing pictures of Molly. It was so kind of her as she has an amazing way to capture those memories from the first days meeting a new baby. She also took pictures of the tiny things that you never want to forget - like baby feet and the umbilical cord. Thank you Jamie! These pics (and many more) are priceless!
Jenny and Jamie meeting baby Molly. We were blessed with lots of visitors to come and meet Molly in the hospital. She is a lucky little girl! |
Our first picture as a family of five |
Nana and Papa meeting Molly for the first time |
Dr. Sherman and Molly. She was a wonderful doctor despite being an Ohio State fan. |
Dressed in her going home outfit. Emma and Anna also wore this coming home from the hospital. |
The Baby Hog |
Molly loved snuggling with Grandpa that first week! |
We had to buy a new swing because our old one stopped working. She loves the swing! |
Proud Grandma and Grandpa |
6 weeks old already! |
That's it for now. I have some cute Halloween pictures to post too. Hope to get to that soon so that I can start writing about our day to day activities!